sobota 20.00 – 22.00 – Ceremonia Kakao i Ecstatic Dance (Więcej…)
Julianna Bloodgood
Julianna Bloodgood is a vocalist, movement artist, performer and teacher whose work includes anthropological performance research and she has traveled the globe in search of different cultural perspectives on the body, voice and the ritual of performance. Many of the performances she creates are made as rituals, meant to be shared experiences of transformation and healing.
The core of her work is a detailed practice in the relationship between body and voice and how this can be brought to expression, composition and performance. Her research with the body and voice has led to an in-depth and ongoing development of this connection which she calls Embodied Voice Practices. This practice utilizes integrative somatic trauma therapy techniques and focuses the output in vocal expression, which is a deeply healing and transformative process.
Julianna specializes in the research and practice of vocal lamentation, giving shape and voice to our pain and loss, which has become a through line in all of her work. She continues to research the technical, historical and contemporary aspects of lamentation in different European countries. Julianna regularly performs and teaches internationally.